Monday, May 23, 2011

Fun and Easy Ways to Learn French - New Book

Dear reader:

I am pleased to announce that my next book, Fun and Easy Ways to Learn French, is now on my CreateSpace eStore as well as on My eStore link is: You can buy it at either place. Also, my Amazon Author Central page is updated with my two published books (the ones I have published so far), which is most likely the place where you are reading this blog.

I am still working on promotion as well as going to a new job that I recently started, and I hope to be working on my next novel soon. The title of one of my next novels will tentatively be Double Glance. You can read more about this book and other books in the works on my personal webpage.

Until next time,

Jeremy G. Woods

Author of:

In Peril's Way
Fun and Easy Ways to Learn French

Saturday, May 21, 2011

New Book to be Published Soon

I have completed a new book, and the proofing copy is on its way to my house right now. Upon approval, it will take a few days to appear on the Internet, but here is the link to buy the book: The title of the book is Fun and Easy Ways to Learn French, and the book itself is not going to teach you to learn French. It is based on the ways I learned French, so it will teach you methods, not the language.

I am excited about the book because I believe that, upon using these 25 methods listed in the book, you, too, will be able to learn French without having to think about it and have fun while learning French. Learning a language should not have to be hard; I always think you should study smart rather than studying hard, and this book is dedicated to teaching you simple methods for studying smart. Most of these methods can also be used to learn other languages as well, but the resources and the short vocabulary list at the back are mainly for learning French.