Friday, April 17, 2015

Go For It! - A Blog Post I Wrote in 2013

Do you feel called to the ministry or to the mission field? Has God laid something on your heart for you to do, but you're not sure whether it's God calling you or if it's your own desires? What if God were calling you to do something other than what you are doing right now? Noah had a job before he was told to build the ark. Abraham was a childless husband at the age of almost seventy-five when God told him he would be the father of many nations. Moses was a shepherd before he was told to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. David was a shepherd boy before he was crowned king of Israel. Jonah disobeyed before he told Nineveh to repent, and he still had a sour attitude afterward. God used regular people to do great things. If God is choosing you to fulfill a calling, then He can use you, too.

There are five easy questions to ask yourself to tell if you're called to something or if your calling is just your desire:

1. Are you keeping in touch with God?

2. Are fellow believers affirming that this is God's Will for you?

3. Do you tend to sway from potential calling to potential calling?

4. Is what you feel called to do contrary to Scripture?

5. If you end up not doing what you are feeling called to do and end up doing something that you feel underqualified for, or doing something that you really don't want to do at all, will you still praise God?

If you are not feeling called to missions or the ministry, first pray that you will clearly hear what role God has for your life. Find people in your life that do have a calling and help them fulfill God's calling for their life. Christians are the body of Christ, and it takes all Christians involved to fulfill the Great Commission that we find in the Bible in Matthew 28. Mentoring high school students and college students is also a great way for you to get involved in ministry.

Whatever your role that you end up playing, make sure to make prayer an important part of your decisions. Once you have figured out your role, prepare, and then go for it!

This blog post is for Christians who are called to the mission field.  Within the past few years, I've heard people who said they felt called to the missions field give up on the goal of going overseas as a missionary.  I originally wrote Go For It! Motivating Christians to Do God's Will for this very reason, and I've put that book along with The Missing Ingredient in Our Prayer Life into the book coming soon called Faith Without Borders, available now for pre-order on

Original post:

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Pre-Order "Faith Without Borders" now on Amazon

You can now pre-order Faith Without Borders on Amazon.

Click here to pre-order it.

While it is currently available for purchase on the publisher's website, getting it officially on Amazon for pre-order is a big deal for publishing, so I wanted to let you know its progress.

Also, keep an eye out for the book signings that are coming up over the next few weeks, for now in Dallas, TX, and soon to be in Huntsville, AL, as well.  You can check those out here.

Finally, you can also now check out bonus material on my website, Faith Without Borders.  For now, it just has one item, but I hope to add more later.

Feel free to re-post this blog and share it on social media to get the word out about the pre-release.  This book is about prayer and about missions, and I hope other Christians will share this same passion as I do about both topics, as both books were written from my heart.